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Statistics / Research Methods

The below list of pre-approved courses is not exhaustive. If you are unsure about a specific course, please use the chatbot and click ->Admissions->Prerequisite Courses and “Yes” to fill out the form.

statistics course or equivalent must cover the following content:

  • Measures of central tendency and dispersion (i.e., mean, median, standard deviation, etc.)
  • Normal distribution
  • Comparing two groups (i.e., the t-test)
  • Simple regression and correlation
  • Analysis of repeated observations (i.e., paired t-test, repeated measures ANOVA)
  • Non-essential but encouraged topics are a) comparing more than two groups (ANOVA), b) exposure to non-parametric stats (analysis of ranked
    and ordinal data)

research methods course in a health-related field should address research and evidence based practice and must include the following topics:

  • Health-related research designs
  • Methodological quality
  • Risk of bias assessment and/or statistics
  • Relevant study designs include observational studies (e.g. epidemiology), quasi-experimental designs, randomized controlled trials, diagnostic studies
University Course Code Course Title Units Not
Acadia University 

ECON 2613 Empirical Analysis 3
MATH 1213 Statistics: Business/Behaviour SCl 1 3
MATH 1223 Statistics: Business/Behaviour SCI 2 3
MATH 2223 Applied Statistics For Science 3
MATH 2233 Statistics for Life Sciences 1 3
MATH 2243 Statistics for Life Sciences 2 3
STATS 201 Elementary Statistics 3
Athabasca University

MATH 215 Introduction to Statistics 3
MATH 216 Computer-oriented Approach to Statistics 3
MATH 315 Methods in Applied Statistics 3
MGSC 301 Statistics for Business and Economics I 3
PSYC 304 Research Methods in Psychology 3
SOCI 301 Social Statistics 3
SOSC 366 Research Methods in Social Sciences 3 X
Bishop’s University

BMA 140AB Statistical Analysis for Business Decisions I / II 3
ESG 261 Quantitative Methods 3
MAT 313a Introduction to Probability 3
MAT 314b Introduction to Mathematical Statistics 3
PHY 101 Statistical Methods in Experimental Science 3
PMA 260a Psychological Statistics 3
PMA 360b Advanced Psychological Statistics  3
PMA 460b Multivariate Statistics 3
Brandon University

62:171 Introduction to Statistics 3
62:172 Introduction to Statistical Inference 3
82:250 Fundamentals of Psychological Methods I 3
82:251 Fundamentals of Psychological Methods III 3
Brock University

AHSC 5P37 Quantitative Data Analysis and Interpretation: ANOVA Designs 3
CHSC 2P07 Biostatistics I 3
HLSC 2P27 Research Methods in Health 3
KINE 2P08 Research Design in Kinesiology 3 X
KINE 3P08 Quantitative Analysis 3
MATH 1F92 Introductory Statistics 3
MATH 1P98 Practical Statistics/Basic Statistical Methods 3
MATH 2P82 Mathematical Statistics I 3
MATH 2P98 Applied Statistics 3
MATH 3P85 Mathematical Statistics II 3
PEKN 3P08 Quantitative Analysis 3
PSYC 2F23 Statistics & Research Design in the Behavioural Science 6
RECL 2P07 Introduction to Research Design and Evaluation 3
RECL 3Q17 Qualitative Approaches to Inquire 3
Cape Breton University

AN/S2212 Quantitative Research Methods & Statistics in Social Science 6
MATH1109 Introductory Statistics I 3
MATH1211 Introductory Statistics II 3
MATH1215 Experiences in Mathematics I: Descriptive & Basic Inferential Statistics 3
MATH2106 Elementary Mathematical Statistics I 3
MATH2207 Mathematical Statistics II 3
MATH3209 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 3
MGSC1108 Introduction to Statistics 3
NURS3102 Nursing Statistics and Research Methods 6
NURS3107 Introductory Statistics for Nursing and Health 3
POLS 2162 Quantitative Research Methods & Statistics in Social Science 6
PSYC2101 Data Analysis 3
PSYC3101 Advanced Statistics and Research Writing 3
Carleton University

ECON 2201 Statistical Methods in Economics and Business I 3
ECON 2202 Statistical Methods in Economics and Business II 3
INAF 5016 Statistical Analysis for International Affairs 3
PSYC 2001 Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology 3
PSYC 3000 Design & Analysis in Psychological Research 6
STAT 2002 Introduction to Statistics in Psychology 3
STAT 2507 Introduction to Statistical Modeling I 3
STAT 2509 Introduction to Statistical Modeling II 3
STAT 2559 Basics of Statistical Modeling (Honours) 3
STAT 2606 Business Statistics I 3
STAT 2607 Business Statistics II 3
STAT 3502 Probability & Statistics 3
STAT 4605 Statistical Methods in Biostatistics (Honours) 3
STAT 4606 Practices in Biostatistics (Honours) 3
Concordia University BIOL 322 Biostatistics 3
COMM 215 Business Statistics 3
EXCI 322 Statistics for Exercise Science 3
INTE 296 Discover Statistics 3
MAT 151 Introduction to Statistical Methods 3
MAST 333 Applied Statistics 3
PSYC 315 Statistical Analysis Psychology I 3
PSYC 316 Statistical Analysis Psychology II 3
SOCI 212 Statistics I 3
SOCI 213 Statistics II 3
STAT 249 Probability I 3
STAT 250 Statistics 3
STAT 450 Mathematical Statistics 3
Dalhousie University COMM 2501.03 Statistics for Business 1 3
COMM 2502.03 Statistics for Business 2 3
ENGM 2032 Applied Probability and Statistics 3
HAHP 3100.03 Introduction to Research Methods 3
MATH 1060.03 Introduction to Statistics for Science & Health Science 3
MATH 2060.03 Introduction to Probability & Statistics I 3
MATH 2080.03 Statistical Methods for Data Analysis & Inference 3
MATH 3340.03 Regression & Analysis of Variance 3
MATH 3360.03 Probability 3
PSYO 2501.03 Statistical Methods I 3
PSYO 3502.03 Statistical Methods II 3
SOSA 4001.03 Quantitative Analysis for the Social Sciences I 3
SOSA 4002.03 Quantitative Analysis for the Social Sciences II 3
STAT 1060.03 Introduction to Statistics for Science & Health Science 3
STAT 2060.03 Introduction to Probability & Statistics 3
STAT 2080.03 Statistical Methods for Data Analysis & Inference 3
STAT 3340.03 Regression & Analysis of Variance 3
STAT 3360.03 Probability 3
Grant MacEwan University PEDS 209 Research Methods in Kinesiology 3
SOCI 310 Introduction to Social Statistics 3
STAT 141 Introduction to Statistics 3
STAT 151 Introduction to Applied Statistics I 3
STAT 252 Introduction to Applied Statistics II 3
University of Guelph BIOL 2250 Biostatistics and the Life Sciences 3
ENVS 3340 Environmental Data Analysis 3
POPM 3240 Epidemiology 3
PSYC 1010 Quantification in Psychology 3
PSYC 2040 Research Statistics 3
PSYC 2360 Psychological Methods and Statistics 3
SCMA 3080 Statistics for Kinesiology 3
SOAN 2120 Introductory Methods 3
SOAN 3120 Quantitative Methods 3
STAT 2040 Statistics I 3
STAT 2050 Statistics II 3
STAT 2080 Introduction to Applied Statistics I 3
STAT 2090 Introduction to Applied Statistics II 3
STAT 2120 Probability and Statistics for Engineers 3
STAT 2230 Biostatistics for Integrative Biology 3
STAT 3100 Introductory Mathematical Statistics I 3
STAT 3110 Introductory Mathematical Statistics II 3
STAT 6950 Statistical Methods for the Life Sciences 3
SCMA 2070 Statistics and Research Concepts 3
University of Guelph-Humber

SCMA 2070 Statistics and Research Concepts 3
SCMA 3000 Probability & Statistics 3
SCMA 2110 Research Methods for Kinesiology 3 X
SCMA 3010 Research Methods in Business 3 X
Kwantlen Polyt University BUQU 1230 Business Statistics 3
PSYC 2300 Applied Statistics I 3
PSYC 3300 Applied Statistics II 3
Lakehead University KINE 3030 Introductory Statistics 3
KINE 5010 Research Methods and Design 3
KINE 5011 Statistical Analysis in Kinesiology 3
MATH 0210 Quantitative Methods for the Social Scientist 3
MATH 0212 Quantitative Methods for the Health Scientist 3
MATH 2310 Elementary Probability and Statistics 3
MATH 2311 Elementary Statistical Methods 3
MATH 2331 Introduction to Mathematical Probability 3
MATH 2333 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics 3
MATH 3332 Introduction to Mathematical Probability 3
MATH 3334 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics 3
MATH 4030 Probability & Statistics 3
PSYC 2101 Statistical Methods for Behavioural Research 6
PSYC 4111 Advanced Statistics for Behavioural Research 3
Laurentian University BIOL 3327EL Experimental Methods in Biology 3
COMM 5616EL Business Statistics 3
MATH 3236EL Probability & Statistics 3
MATH 4236EL Topics in Statistics I 3
MATH 4237EL Topics in Statistics II 3
PSYC 2126 Introduction to Statistics 3
PSYC 2127EL Scientific Methods & Analysis II 3
PSYC 3256EL Design & Analysis I 3
PSYC 3257EL Design & Analysis II 3
SOCI 4026EL Quantitative Methods 3
STAT 1056EL Business Statistics 3
STAT 2126EL Introduction to Statistics 3
STAT 2246EL Statistics for Science 3
McGill University BIOL 373 Biometry 3
ECON 227D1/D2 Economic Statistics 6
EDPE 676 Intermediate Statistics 3
EDPE 682 Univariate/Multivariate Analysis 3
MATH 203 Principles of Statistics 1 3
MATH 204 Principles of Statistics 2 3
MATH 323 Probability 3
MATH 324 Statistics 3
MATH 357 Honours Statistics 3
MATH 423 Regression & Analysis of Variance 3
MGCR 271 Business Statistics 3
PSYC 204 Introduction to Psychological Statistics 3
PSYC 305 Statistics for Experimental Design 3
PSYC 451 Human Factors Research & Techniques 3
PSYC 536 Correlational Techniques 3
SOCI 350 Statistics in Social Research 3
SOCI 461 Quantitative Data Analysis 3
SOCI 504 Quantitative Methods 1 3
McMaster University ARTSSCI 2R03 Applied Statistical Inference 3
ARTSCI 2R06 Statistics: Math Models 3
BUSADMIN 1602 Economics and Business Statistics 3
COMMERCE 2QA3 Applied Statistics for Business 3
HTHSCI 2A03 Statistics 3
HTHSCI 2S03 Introduction to Statistics for Nursing 3
HTHSCI 2GG3 Statistics and Epidemiology II 3
HTHSCI 3G03 Critical Appraisal of the Medical Literature 3
HUMBEHV 3MD3 Research Methods for Applied Psychology in Human Behaviour 3
HUMBEHV 3ST3 Statistics for Human Behaviour 3
LIFESCI 2A03 Research Methods in the Life Sciences 3
PNB 2XE3 Descriptive Statistics 3
PNB 3XE3 Inferential Statistics 3
SOC SCI 2J03 Introduction to Statistics 3
STATS 1L03 Probability & Linear Algebra 3
STATS 2B03 Statistical Methods for Science 3
STATS 2D03 Introduction to Probability 3
STATS 2MB3 Statistical Methods & Application 3
STATS 3J04 Probability and Statistics for Civil Engineering 3
STATS 3Y03 Probability and Statistics for Engineering 3
Memorial Univ of Nfld BIOL 4605 Quantitative Methods in Biology 3
ED 2900 Introduction to Statistics in Education 3
ENGI 4421 Probability & Statistics 3
HKR 4600 Introduction to Research 3
MATH 3410 Mathematical Statistics I 3
PSYC 2910 Research Methods in Psychology I 3
PSYC 2911 Research Methods in Psychology II 3
PSYC 2925 Research Methods & Data Analysis in Psychology I 3
PSYC 2950 Research Methods & Data Analysis in Psychology II 3
PSYC 3900 Design & Analysis III 3
PSYC 3950 Research Methods & Data Analysis in Psychology III 3
STAT 2500 Statistics For Business & Arts Students 3
STAT 2501 Further Statistics For Business & Arts Students 3
STAT 2550 Statistics for Science Students 3
STAT 2560 Further Statistics for Science Students 3
STAT 3410 Probability & Statistics 3
STAT 4590 Statistical Analysis of Data I 3
Mt Allison University BIOL 2701 Introductory Design & Statistical Analysis 3
BIOL 4711 Advanced Biometrics 3
MATH 2311 Statistics I 3
MATH 2321 Statistics II 3
MATH 3311 Probability & Statistics I 3
MATH 3321 Probability & Statistics II 3
PSYC 2001 Research Design & Analysis I 3
PSYC 2011 Research Design & Analysis II 3
PSYC 3001 Advanced Experimental Design & Analysis 3
Mount Royal University AJUS 2215 Introduction to Research Methods 3
AJUS 4401 Quantitative Research Methods 3
HPED 2030 Statistics and Research Methods 3
HPED 3030 Research Methods and Statistics for Health Professionals 3
MGMT 2262 Business Statistics 3
MGMT 2263 Business Statistics II 3
MATH 1103 Introduction to Statistical Reasoning 3
MATH 1211 Concepts of Mathematical Statistics 3
MATH 2233 Statistics for Biological Science 3
MATH 2333 Statistics for Life Science 3
Mount Saint Vincent University MATH 2206 Introduction to Probability 3
MATH 2208 Introduction to Probability & Statistics I 3
MATH 2209 Introduction to Probability & Statistics II 3
MATH 3303 Intermediate Applied Statistics I 3
MATH 3304 Intermediate Applied Statistics II 3
NUTR 3313 Research Methods in Nutrition and Dietetics 3
Nipissing University  ADMN 2606 Business Statistics 3
BIOL 3117 Biostatistics 3
ECON 2126 Elementary Statistical Methods for Economists 3
GEOG 2026 Introduction to Quantitative Methods 3
MATH 1257 Technical Statistics 3
MATH 2076 Probability & Statistics I 3
MATH 3276 Probability & Statistics II 3
PHED 2306 Research Methods & Statistics in Physical Activity 3
PHED 3217 Research Methods & Statistics in Physical Activity 3
PHED 3306 Statistics in Physical Activity 3
PSYC 3356 Design & Analysis I 3
PSYC 3357 Design & Analysis II 3
SOCI 2127 Social Statistics & Data Analysis 3
Queen’s University  BIOL 243 Statistics for Biologists 3
CHEE 209 Analysis of Process Data 3
COMM 162 Managerial Statistics 3
ECON 250 Introduction to Statistics 3
EPID 401 Biostatistical Data Analysis for Life Science Students 3
GPHY 247 Introduction to Statistics 3
HLTH 252 Introduction to Research Methods 3
HSCI 190 Introduction to Statistics for the Health Sciences 3
KHS 891 Statistics 3
KNPE 251 Introduction to Statistics 3
MTHE 367 Engineering Data Analysis 3
NURS 323 Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis 3
PHED 251 Introduction to Statistics 3
PSYC 202 Statistics in Psychology 3
PSYC 301 Advanced Statistical Inference 3
SOCY 211 Introduction to Statistics 3
STAM 200 Introduction to Statistics 3
STAT 263 Introduction to Statistics 3
STAT 268 Statistics & Probability I 3
STAT 269 Statistics & Probability II 3
STAT 351 Probability I 3
STAT 353 Probability II 3
STAT 361 Applied Methods in Statistics I 3
Toronto Metropolitan University (Ryerson University) ACS 401 Introduction to Research & Statistics
CACS 401 Introduction to Research & Statistics
CMTH 304 Probability & Statistics I
CMTH 380 Probability & Statistics I
CMTH 404 Probability & Statistics II
CMTH 480 Probability & Statistics II
ENH 440 Biostatistics
FNR 100 Introduction to Research & Statistics
FNR 201 Research Methods and Statistics
MTH 304 Probability & Statistics I
MTH 380 Probability & Statistics I
MTH 404 Probability & Statistics II
MTH 410 Statistics
MTH 480 Probability & Statistics II
NUR 860 Statistics and Nursing
PSY 411 Research Methods & Statistics I
PSY 511 Research Methods & Statistics II
PSY 711 Advanced Research Methods & Statistics
QMS 102 Business Statistics I
QMS 202 Business Statistics II
QMS 230 Statistics for Accounting and Finance
SOC 411 Introduction to Quantitative Methods
SOC 483 Advanced Statistical Modeling
Saint Mary’s University  BIOL 2308 Biostatistics 3
BIOL 4004 Advanced Biostatistics 3
MATH 1216 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics 3
MATH 2315 Introduction to Probability Theory 3
MATH 3415 Mathematical Statistics 3
PSYC 2350 Psychological Statistics 3
PSYC 4401 Advanced Statistics 3
Simon Fraser University BPK 304 Inquiry & Measurement in Kinesiology 3
BPK 304W Inquiry & Measurement in Kinesiology 3
BUEC 232 Data and Decisions I 3
BUEC 333 Statistical Analysis of Economic Data 3
PSYC 301 Intermediate Research Methods and Data Analysis 3
STAT 100 Chance and Data Analysis 3
STAT 101 Introduction to Statistics 3
STAT 201 Statistics for the Life Sciences 3
STAT 203 Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences 3
STAT 205 Introduction to Statistics 3
STAT 270 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 3
STAT 285 Intermediate Probability and Statistics 3
STAT 301 Statistics for the Life Sciences 3
STAT 302 Analysis of Experimental and Observational Data 3
STAT 305 Introduction to Biostatistical Methods for Health Sciences 3
STAT 330 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics 3
STAT 340 Introduction to Statistical Computing and Exploratory Data Analysis 3
STAT 341 Introduction to Statistical Computing and Exploratory Data Analysis 3
STAT 342 Introduction to Statistical Computing and Exploratory Data Analysis 3
STAT 403 Intermediate Sampling and Experimental Design 3
STAT 410 Statistical Analysis of Sample Surveys 3
STAT 430 Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments 3
St. Francis Xavier University

BIOL 331 Statistical Methods 3
ECON 271 Quantitative Methods in Economics 3
HKIN 301 Elementary Statistics 3
HKIN 396 Quantitative Research Methods 3
MATH 331 Statistical Methods 3
PSCI 399 Research Methods and Statistics 3
PSYC 292 Introductory Statistics for Psychological Research 3
PSYC 394 Advanced Statistics for Psychological Research 3
STAT 101 Introductory Statistics 3
STAT 201 Elementary Statistics 3
STAT 224 Probability and Statistics for Engineers 3
STAT 231 Statistics for Students in the Sciences 3
STAT 331 Statistical Methods 3
STAT 333 Introductory Probability Theory 3
STAT 334 Mathematical Statistics 3
STAT 435 Regression Analysis 3
STAT 472 Topics in Statistics 3
St. Thomas University GERO 3053 Qualitative Research Methods 3
MATH 3913 Statistics with Applications 3
PSYC 2013 Introduction to Statistics 3
PSYC 3043 Qualitative Research Methods 3
PSYC 3933 Advanced Statistics 3
PSYC 3953 Quantitative Methods 3
SOCI 2023 Introduction to Statistics 3
SOCI 3043 Qualitative Research Methods 3
Thompson Rivers University BIOL 3000 Biometrics 3
BUEC 2320 Economics & Business Statistics 1 3
BUEC 3330 Economics & Business Statistics 2 3
ECON 2320 Statistics for Business and Economics 1 3
ECON 2330 Statistics for Business and Economics 2 3
MATH 3020 Introduction to Probability 3
STAT 1019 Introduction to Statistics 3
STAT 1200 Introduction to Statistics 3
STAT 1201 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 3
STAT 2000 Introduction to Statistics 3
STAT 2019 Statistics for the Life Sciences 3
STAT 2039 Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences 3
STAT 2709 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 3
PSYC 2101 Statistics in the Social Sciences 3
Trent University ECON-ADMN 2200H Introduction to Statistics for Economics and Management
GEOG-BIOL-ERSC 2080H Natural Science Statistics
MATH 1050Y Non-Calculus-Based Intro to Probability & Statistical Methods
MATH 1550H Introduction to Probability
MATH 2560H Introduction to Statistical Inference
MATH 3560H Linear Statistical Models
MATH 4560H Topics in Statistics
PSYC 2019H Basic Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology
PSYC 3015Y Advanced Statistics and Research Design
SOCI 3160H Data Analysis
PSYCH 2016H Basic Research Methods and Statistics I
PSYCH 2017H Basic Research Methods and Statistics II
Trinity Western University MATH 108 Statistics for Health Students 3
MATH 102 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 3
PSYC 207 Data Analysis 3
BUSI 275 Business Statistics 3
Université de St. Boniface STAT 1001 Analyse statistique de base I 3
Université de Moncton PSYC 2002 Stat. appliquées en psyc. 3
PSYC 2050 Méthodes et stat. psycho. II 3
PSYC 4000 Méthodes et stat. avancées 3
PSYC 4001 Méthodes et stat. avancées 3
STAT 2603 Intro aux prob et statistique 3
STAT 2633 Intro à la stat appliquée 3
STAT 2643 Stat appliquée sc. de la vie 3
STAT 2653 Statistique descriptive 3
STAT 3423 Sondages et inférence stat. 3
STAT 3613 Statistique mathématique 3
STAT 4003 Thèmes choisis en statistique 3
STAT 4723 Régression lin. et Anova 3
Univ Montreal BIO 2041 Biostatistique 1 3
BIO 2042 Biostatistique 2 3
BIO 2043 Statistique pratique pour sciences de la vie 3
MAT 1720 Probabilitiés 3
MSO 6061 Introduction à la biostatistique 3
PHL 1400 Méthodes statistiques en sciences biomédicales 3
PSY 1004 Analyses quantitatives en psychologie 1 3
PSY 1006 Méthodologie scientifique 1 3
PSY 3204 Analyses quantitatives en psychologie 2 3
SOL 1020 Introduction à la statistique 3
SOL 2020 Statitisque sociale avancée 3
STT 1700 Introduction à la statistique 3
STT 1995 Analyses statistiques 3
STT 1971 Introduction à la statistique 3
STT 2700 Concepts et méthodes en statistique 3
STT 2974 Biostatistics and Epidemiology 3
SBP 1025 Statistique appliquées aux sciences biopharmaceutiques 3
Université de Sherbrooke STT 389 Statistique 3
MQG 222 Statistique appliquée à la gestion 3
BIO 101 Biométrie 3
Université du Québec (TELUQ) SCI 1013 Introduction aux méthodes de reserche scientifique 3
SCI 1018 Statistique avec R 3
STA 1001 Méthodes quantitives en sciences humaines 3
Université du Québec à Montréal BIO 3523 Introduction à la biostatistique 3
MAT 1085 Probabilités et statistiques 3
MAT 1185 Statistique descriptive, tableaux croisés, et inférence 3
MAT 2080 Méthodes statistiques 3
MAT 2480 Statistique II 3
MAT 2780 Probabilités et statistiques 3
MAT 3080 Statistique I 3
POL 1800 Éléments de statistiques pour les sciences humaines 3
Univ Laval BIOL 1006 Biostatistique 3
GPL 1008 Méthodes statistiques pour sciences sociales 3
MAT 1904 Méthodes quantitatives I 3
MAT 1907 Probabilités et biostatistique 3
MAT 1915 Probabilités et biostatistique 3
MAT 2902 Méthodes quantitatives II 3
MAT 2905 Biostatistique 3
MQT 1102 Probabilités et statistique 3
POL 2000 Méthodes quantitatives 3
STT 0150 Statistique 3
STT 1000 Probabilités & statistique 3
STT 1100 Statistique descriptive 3
STT 1900 Méthodes statistiques pour ingénieurs 3
STT 1920 Méthodes statistiques 3
STT 1950 Statistique pour scientifiques 3
STT 2902 Modélisation statistique 3
STT 4000 Statistique mathématique I 3
University of Alberta

AUPSY 213 Statistical Methods for Psychological Research 3
AUSTA 153 Introductory Applied Statistics 3
AUSTA 213 Statistical Methods 3
AUSTA 215 Statistical Methods for the Natural Sciences 3
KIN 209 Research Methods in Kinesiology 3 X
MGTSC 312 Probability and Statistics for Business 3
NURS 341 Using and Interpreting Statistics for Health Research 3
PEDS 109 / KIN 109 Statistics, Measurement, and Evaluation 3
PEDS 309 Statistics, Measurement, and Evaluation 3
PTHER 352 Introductory Statistics for Health Care Professionals 3
SOC 210 Introduction to Social Statistics 3
STAT 141 Introduction to Statistics 3
STAT 151 Introduction to Applied Statistics I 3
STAT 235 Introductory Statistics for Engineering 3
STAT 252 Introduction to Applied Statistics II 3
STAT 265 Statistics I 3
STAT 266 Statistics II 3
STAT 312 Mathematical Methods in Statistics 3
STAT 337 Biostatistics 3
University of British Columbia  ANTH 418 Anthropological Statistics 3
BIOL 202 Introduction to Biostatistics 3
BIOL 300 Fundamentals of Biostatistics 3
BIOL 304 Biometrics 3
COMM 291 Application of Statistics in Business 3
EPSE 482 Introduction to Statistics for Research in Education 3
EPSE 485 Introduction to Statistics for Research Evaluation 3
FRST 231 Introduction to Biometrics 3
HEAL 300 Methods of Data Analysis 3
HEAL 301 Health Research Methods 3 X
HES 340 Methods of Data Analysis 3
HINT 110 Applied Research in Health 3
HKIN 371 Introduction to Statistics in Human Kinetics 3
HMKN 205 Methods of Data Analysis 3
KIN 205 Research Methods 3 X
KIN 371 / KIN 206 Introduction to Statistics in Human Kinetics 3
KIN 373 Research Methods 3 X
LFS 252 Land, Food, and Community: Quantitative Data Analysis 3
MATH 1103 Introduction to Statistical Reasoning 3
MATH 302 Introduction to Probability 3
MECH 305 Data Analysis and Mechanical Engineering Laboratories 3
NRSG 325 Introduction to Statistics for Nursing 3
NRSG 425 Data Analysis 3
PHAR 590 Research in the Pharmaceutical Sciences: Principles and Methods 3
POLI 380 Quantitative Methods in Political Science 3
PSYC 218 Analysis of Behavioural Data 3
PSYC 277 Behavioural and Neuroscientific Research Methods 3
PSYC 278 Analysis of Behavioural Data 3
PSYC 366 Methods in Research 3
PSYO 271 Introduction to Data Analysis 3
PSYO 372 Research Methods and Statistics 3
PSYO 373 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics 3
SOCI 271 Statistical Analysis in Sociology I 3
SOCI 328 Social Statistics I 3
STAT 121 Elementary Statistics for Application 3
STAT 124 Business Statistics 3
STAT 200 Elementary Statistics for Applications 3
STAT 203 Statistical Methods 3
STAT 230 Introductory Statistics 3
STAT 240 Statistical Reasoning 3
STAT 241 Introductory Probability & Statistics 3
STAT 251 Elementary Statistics 3
STAT 300 Intermediate Statistics for Applications 3
STAT 302 Introduction to Probability 3
STAT 305 Introduction to Statistical Inference 3
STAT 309 Introduction to Statistical Inference 3
University of Calgary  BIOL 315 Quantitative Biology I 3
CORE 435 Social Research in Disability, Health and Rehabilitation Disablement 3
KNES 213 Introduction to Research in Kinesiology 3
KNES 375 Tests and Measurements in Kinesiology 3
KNES 605 Statistical Techniques in Kinesiology 3
KNES 609 Applied Statistics for Nursing Research 3
MDCH 610 Biostatistics I: Essentials of Biostatistics 3
MDSC 407 Statistics and Research Design in Health Sciences 3
NURS 609 Applied Statistics for Nursing Research 3
PSYC 300 Research Methods and Data Analysis in Psychology I 3
PSYC 301 Research Methods and Data Analysis in Psychology II 3
PSYC 312 Experimental Design & Quantitative Methods for Psychology 3
PSYC 411 Design and Analysis in Psychological Research 3
SOCI 315 Introductory Social Statistics II 3
STAT 205 Introduction to Statistical Inquiry 3
STAT 213 Introduction to Statistics I 3
STAT 217 Introduction to Statistics II 3
STAT 321 Introduction to Probability 3
STAT 327 Statistics for the Physical and Environmental Sciences 3
STAT 421 Mathematical Statistics 3
STAT 517 Practice of Statistics 3
Univ of the Fraser Valley  KIN 301 Research Methods in Kinesiology 3
MATH 104 Introductory Statistics 3
MATH 106 Statistics I 3
PSYC 110 Statistical Analysis in Psychology 3
STAT 104 Introductory Statistics 3
STAT 106 Statistics I 3
University of Lethbridge ECON 2900 Economics and Business Statistics 3
HLTSCI 3450 Applied Statistics for Clinical Practice 3
KINES 2200 Research Methodologies 3
PSYC 2030 Methods & Statistics 3
PSYC 3400 Advanced Research Design & Statistics 3
PSYC 3450 Applied Statistics for Clinical Practice 3
SOCI 2130 Social Statistics I 3
SOCI 3130 Social Statistics II 3
STAT 1770 Introduction to Probability & Statistics 3
STAT 2200 Survey Design & Analysis 3
STAT 2750 Statistical Inference 3
STAT 2780 Statistical Inference 3
STAT 3500 Mathematical Probability 3
STAT 3510 Mathematical Statistics 3
University of Manitoba PSYC 2250 Introduction to Psychological Research 3
PSYC 2260 Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology 3
STAT 1000 Basic Statistical Analysis 1 3
STAT 1001 Analyse statistique de base I 3
STAT 2000 Basic Statistical Analysis 2 3
STAT 2001 Analyse statistique de base II 3
STAT 2220 Contemporary Statistics for Engineers 3
STAT 2400 Introduction to Probability I 3
STAT 3050 Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications 3
STAT 3400 Introduction to Probability II 3
STAT 3470 Statistical Methods for Research Workers 1 3
STAT 3480 Statistical Methods for Research Workers 2 3
STAT 3600 Intermediate Statistical Theory 2 3
STAT 3800 Mathematical Statistics 3
University of New Brunswick BIOL4855 Biometrics 3
ED5173 Educational Statistics 3
KIN3001 Introduction to Research Methods in Kinesiology 3
PSYC2113 Introduction to Research & Statistical Methods in Psychology 3
PSYC2123 Quantitative Research Methods 3
PSYC2901 Introduction to Statistical Analysis for Psychologists 3
PSYC3913 Introduction to Statistical Inference & Experimental Design in Psychology 3
PSYC3113 Introduction to Statistical Inference in Experimental Psychology 3
SOCI3104 Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences 3
SOCI3123 Statistics in Sociology 3
STAT1793 Introduction to Probability & Statistics I 3
STAT2043 Statistics for Social Scientists I 3
STAT2253 Introductory Statistics for Forestry Students 3
STAT2263 Statistics for Non-Science Majors 3
STAT2264 Statistics for Biology 3
STAT2593 Probability and Statistics for Engineers 3
STAT2783 Introduction to Non-parametric Methods (O) 3
STAT2793 Introduction to Probability & Statistics II 3
STAT3043 Statistics for Social Scientists II 3
STAT3083 Probability & Mathematical Statistics I 3
STAT3093 Probability & Mathematical Statistics II 3
Univ of Northern B C ECON 205-3 Statistics for the Social and Management Sciences 3
MATH 240 Basic Statistics 3
MATH 242 Statistics for Social and Health Sciences 3
NURS 403-3 Introduction to Nursing Research 3
STAT 240-3 Basic Statistics 3
STAT 371-3 Probability and Statistics for Scientists and Engineers 3
STAT 372-3 Mathematical Statistics 3
STAT 472-3 Survey Sampling Design & Analysis 3
STAT 473-3 Experimental Design & Analysis 3
Ontario Tech University BUSI 1450U Statistics 3
HLSC 3800U Critical Appraisal of Statistics in Health Science 3
HLSC 3910U Research Methods for Health Care Professionals: Theory and Application 3
SSCI 2900 Humanities and Social Sciences Research Methods 3 X
SSCI 2910U Data Analysis 3
STAT 2010U Statistics and Probability for Physical Science 3
STAT 2020U Statistics and Probability for Biological Science 3
STAT 2800U Statistics and Probability for Engineers 3
STAT 3010U Biostatistics in Life Sciences 3
University of Ottawa ADM 2303 Statistics for Management 3
ADM 2304 Applications of Statistical Methods in Business 3
APA 2180 Research Methods in Human Kinetics 3
APA 2580 Méthodes de recherche en sciences de l’activite physique 3
APA 3180 Research Methods in Human Kinetics 3
APA 3580 Méthodes de recherche en sciences de l’activite physique 3
APA 3381 Measurement and Data Analysis in Human Kinetics 3
APA 3781 Mesure et analyse des données quantitatives en sciences de l’activité physique 3
APA 6101  Quantitative Data Analysis in Sport, Physical Activity and Health 3
BIO 4158 Applied Biostatistics 3
HSS 2381 Quantitative Methods in Health Sciences I 3
HSS 2781 Analyse quantitative des données en sciences de la santé I 3
HSS 3101 Health Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches 3
HSS 3501 Recherche en santé: approches qualitative et quantitative 3
MAT 1371 Descriptive Statistics 3
MAT 1372 Elements of Probability & Statistical Inference 3
MAT 1373 Data Analysis by Computer 3
MAT 1771 Statistique descriptive 3
MAT 1772 Elements de probabilités & inference statistique 3
MAT 1773 Analyse des données par ordinateur 3
MAT 2371 Introduction to Probability 3
MAT 2375 Introduction to Statistics 3
MAT 2377 Probability and Statistics for Engineers 3
MAT 2379 Intro to Biostatistics 3
MAT 2771 Introduction aux probablités 3
MAT 2775 Introduction à la statistique 3
MAT 2777 Probabilités et statistique pour les sciences naturelles 3
MAT 2779 Introduction à la biostatistique 3
PSY 2106 Quantitative Methods in Psychology I 3
PSY 2116 Quantitative Methods in Psychology II 3
PSY 2506 Méthodes quantitatives en psychologie I 3
PSY 2516 Méthodes quantitatives en psychologie II 3
PSY 3116 Advanced Statistical Analysis and Computing in Psychology 3
PSY 3516 Analyse statistique avancée et informatique en psychologie 3
SOC 3142 Applied Statistical Analysis 3
SOC 3542 Analyse statistique appliquée 3
Univ of Prince Edward Island EDU 4810 Statistics In Education 3
MATH 2210 Introductory Statistics I 3
MATH 2220 Introductory Statistics II 3
MATH 3210 Probability & Mathematical Statistics I 3
MATH 3220 Probability & Mathematical Statistics II 3
PSY 2710 Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences 3
PSY 2780 Statistics & Research Design I 3
PSY 2790 Statistics & Research Design II 3
PSY 3710 Advanced Statistics 3
STAT 1210 Introductory Statistics 3
University of Regina PSYC 305 Statistics in Psychology 3
PSYC 405 Advanced Statistics in Psychology 3
SOST 201 Statistics for the Social Sciences 3
STAT 100 Elementary Statistics for Applications 3
STAT 160 Introductory Statistics 3
STAT 200 Intermediate Statistics for Applications 3
STAT 251 Introduction to Probability 3
STAT 252 Introduction to Statistical Inference 3
STAT 342 Biostatistics 3
University of Saskatchewan COM 104 Business Statistics I 3
COM 207 Business Statistics II 3
KIN 380 Research Methods in Kinesiology 3 X
PLSC 214 Statistical Methods 3
PLSC 314 Statistical Methods 3
PSY 233 Statistical Methods in Behavioural Sciences 3
PSY 234 Statistical Methods in Behavioural Sciences 3
STAT 103 Elementary Probability 3
STAT 241 Probability Theory 3
STAT 242 Statistical Theory & Methodology 3
STAT 244 Elementary Statistical Concepts 3
STAT 245 Introduction to Statistics Methods 3
STAT 246 Introduction to Biostatistics 3
STAT 342 Mathematical Statistics 3
STAT 344 Applied Regression Analysis 3
STAT 345 Design & Analysis of Experiments 3
STAT 348 Sampling Techniques 3
University of Toronto  BIO360H5 Biometrics I 3
BIO361H5 Biometrics II 3
BME225H1 Biostatistics 6
CHE223H1 Statistics 6
CHL5201H Biostatistics I 3
CHL5202H Biostatistics II 3 X
ECO220Y1 Quantitative Methods in Economics 3
ECO227Y1 Quantitative Methods in Economics 3
EEB225H1 Biostatistics for Biological Sciences 6
GGR270H1F Introductory Analytical Methods 3
HLTB15H3 Introduction to Health Research Methodology 3
HMB325H1 Statistics Applied to Human Biology 3
HMB469 Research Project Course 3 X
HMB499 Research Project Course 3 X
KPE290Y1 Research Design and Evaluation 3
KPE290H1 Research Design and Evaluation: Qualitative Approaches 3
KPE291H1 Research Design and Evaluation: Quantitative Approaches 3
KPE321H1F Population Health 3 X
LIN305H1 Quantitative Methods in Linguistics 3
LMP1407H1 Introductory Biostatistics and Clinical Investigation 3
MIE237H1 Statistics 3
MBP101H1 Quantitative Biology – Statistical Methods 3
MGEB11H3 Quantitative Methods in Economics I 6
MGEB12H3 Quantitative Methods in Economics II 3
NUR1094H3 Research Design, Appraisal and Utilization 3
PHE203Y1 Research Design and Evaluation 3
PSY201H1 Statistics I 3
PSY202H1 Statistics II 3
PSYB07H3 Data Analysis in Psychology 3
PSYC08H3 Advanced Data Analysis in Psychology 3
SOC202H1 Quantitative Analysis in Social Science Research 3
SOC222H5 Measuring the Social World 3
SOC350H5 Quantitative Analysis I 3
SOC351H5 Quantitative Analysis II 3
SOCB06H3 Social Statistics 3
STA215H5 Introduction to Applied Statistics 3
STA218H5 Statistics for Management 3
STA220H1 The Practice of Statistics I 3
STA221H1 The Practice of Statistics II 3
STA220H5 The Practice of Statistics I 3
STA221H5 The Practice of Statistics II 3
STA256H5 Probability & Statistics I 3
STA257H5 Probability & Statistics I 3
STA258H5 Statistics with Applied Probability 3
STA247H1 Probability with Computer Applications 3
STA248H1 Statistics for Computer Scientists 3
STA255H1 Statistical Theory 3
STA257H1 Probability & Statistics I 3
STA260H5 Probability & Statistics II 3
STA261H1 Probability & Statistics II 3
STA261H5 Probability & Statistics II 3
STA286H1 Probability and Statistics 3
STA288H1 Statistics and Scientific Inquiry in the Life Sciences 3
STA302H1 Methods of Data Analysis I 3
STA303H1 Methods of Data Analysis II 3
STA304H1 Surveys, Sampling and Observational Data 3
STA305H1 Design and Analysis of Experiments 3
STA347H1 Probability 3
STA442H1 Methods of Applied Statistics 3
STAB22H3 Statistics I 3
STAB27H3 Statistics II 3
STAB52H3 An Introduction to Probability 3
STAB57H3 An Introduction to Statistics 3
STAC32H3 Applications of Statistical Method 3
STAC50H3 Data Collection 3
STAC58H3 Statistical Inference 3
STAD29H3 Statistics for Life & Social Scientists 3
University of Victoria BIOL 330 Study Design and Data Analysis 3
ED-D560 Statistical Methods Education 3
EPHE 357 Introduction to Research 3
ES 344 Study Design and Data Analysis 3
PSYC 300A Statistical Methods in Psychology 3
PSYC 300B Statistical Methods in Psychology II 3
SOCI 271 Introduction to Statistical Analysis in Sociology 3
SOCI 371B Multivariate Statistical Analysis 3
SOCI 471 Multivariate Statistical Analysis 3
STAT 252 Statistics for Business 3
STAT 254 Probability and Statistics for Engineers 3
STAT 255 Statistics for Life Sciences: I 3
STAT 256 Statistics for Life Sciences: II 3
STAT 260 Introduction to Probability and Statistics: I 3
STAT 261 Introduction to Probability and Statistics: II 3
STAT 300A Statistical Methods in Psychology 3
STAT 300B Statistical Methods in Psychology II 3
STAT 350 Mathematical Statistics I 3
STAT 355 Statistical Methods in Biology and Medicine 3
STAT 359 Data Analysis 3
STAT 450 Mathematical Statistics II 3
University of Waterloo ARTS 280 Statistics for Arts Students 3
BIOL 361 Biostatistics & Experimental Design 3
BIOL 458 Quantitative Ecology 3
BIOL 461 Advanced Biostatistics 3
BME 213 Statistics and Experimental Design 3
ECON 221 Statistics for Economists 3
GBDA 205 Quantitative Methods 3
HLTH 204 Quantitative Approaches to Health Science 3
HLTH 333 Experimental Methods and Observational Methods in Epidemiology 3
KIN 222 Statistical Techniques Applied to Kinesiology 3
KIN 232 Research Design and Statistics in Kinesiology 3
LS 280 Social Statistics 3
PSCI 214 Quantitative Analysis 3
PSCI 314 Quantitative Analysis 3
PSYCH 292 Basic Data Analysis 3
PSYCH 391 Advanced Data Analysis 3
SDS 250R Social Statistics 3
SOC 280 Social Statistics 3
STAT 202 Introductory Statistics for Scientists 3
STAT 206 Statistics for Software Engineering 3
STAT 220 Probability (Non-Specialist Level) 3
STAT 221 Statistics (Non-Specialist Level) 3
STAT 230 Probability 3
STAT 231 Statistics 3
STAT 240 Probability (Advanced Level) 3
STAT 241 Statistics (Advanced Level) 3
STAT 316 Introduction to Statistical Problem Solving by Computer 3
STAT 330 Mathematical Statistics 3
STAT 341 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 3
STAT 371 Statistics for Business 1 3
SWREN 250R Social Statistics 3
University of Windsor 02-250 Basic Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences 3
46-313 Advanced Statistics 3
48-308 Intermediate Statistics 3
65-205 Statistics for the Sciences in Social Science 3
65-250 Introduction to Probability 3
65-251 Introduction to Statistics 3
65-350 Probability 3
65-351 Statistics 3
95-269 Measurement and Evaluation 3
95-270 Research Design 3
KINESIO 269 Measurement and Evaluation 3
STATIST 205 Statistics for the Sciences in Social Science 3
University of Winnipeg GEOG-2309(3) Statistical Techniques in Environmental Analysis 3
MATH-3611(3) Mathematical Statistics I 3
MATH-3612(3) Mathematical Statistics II 3
PSYC-2101(3) Introduction to Data Analysis 3
STAT-1301(3) Statistical Analysis I 3
STAT-1302(3) Statistical Analysis II 3
STAT-1501(3) Elementary Biological Statistics I 3
STAT-1601(3) Elementary Biological Statistics II 3
STAT 2001(3) Elementary Biological Statistics II 3
STAT-2103(3) Intermediate Biological Statistics 3
STAT-2104(3) Nonparametric Statistics 3
STAT-2903(3) Introduction to Statistical Computing 3
STAT-3103(3) Statistics in Research I 3
STAT-3104(3) Statistics in Research II 3
STAT-3611(3) Mathematical Statistics I 3
STAT-3612(3) Mathematical Statistics II 3
Vancouver Island University KIN 391 Research Methods Kinesiology 3
MATH 161 Introduction to Statistics for Social Science 3
MATH 181 Introduction to Statistics 3
MATH 203 Biometrics 3
MATH 211 Fundamentals of Statistics I 3
MATH 212 Statistics II 3
MATH 320 Introduction to Probability 3
PSYC 300A Statistical Methods in Psychology I 3
PSYC 300B Statistical Methods in Psychology II 3
University of Western Ontario Biology 2244A/B Analysis & Interpretation of Biological Data 3
Biology 2290F/G Scientific Methods in Biology 3
Economics 2122A/B Econometrics I 3
Economics 2222A/B Intermediate Econometrics I 6
Economics 2123A/B Econometrics II 3
Health Sciences 2800 Research Methods and Analysis in the Health Sciences 3
Health Sciences 3800F/G Advanced Quantitative Methods in Health Sciences 3
Health Sciences 2801A/B Research Methods in Health Sciences 3
Health Sciences 3801A/B Measurement & Analysis in Health Sciences 3
Health Science 9515 Statistics for HRS 3
Kinesiology 2032A/B Research Design in Human Movement Science 6
Management and Organizational Studies 2242A/B Statistics for Management and Organizational Studies 6
Psychology 280 Statistics for Psychology 3
Psychology 2800 Research Methods in Psychology 3 X
Psychology 2810 Statistics for Psychology 3
Psychology 2820 Research Methods and Statistical Analysis in Psychology 3
Psychology 2850A/B Statistics for Psychology I 3
Psychology 2851A/B Statistics for Psychology II 3
Psychology 3800F/G Psychology Statistics Using Computers 3
Social Work 2207A/B Introductory Statistics for Social Workers 3
Sociology 2205A/B Statistics for Sociology 3
Sociology 4400A/B Introduction to Multivariate Analysis for Social Science 3
Statistical Sciences 1023A/B Statistical Concepts 6
Statistical Sciences 1024A/B Introduction to Statistics 3
Statistical Sciences 2035 Statistics for Business & Social Sciences 3
Statistical Sciences 2037A/B Statistics for Health 3
Statistical Sciences 2141A/B Applied Probability and Statistics for Engineers 3
Statistical Sciences 2143A/B Applied Statistics and Data Analysis for Engineers 3
Statistical Sciences 2244A/B Statistics for Science 3
Statistical Sciences 2857A/B Probability and Statistics I 3
Statistical Sciences 2858A/B Probability and Statistics II 3
Statistical Sciences 3850F/G Data Analysis 3
Statistical Sciences 3858A/B Mathematical Statistics 3
Wilfrid Laurier University BI393 Biostatistics 3
BU205 Introduction to Applied Statistics 3
BU255 Managerial Statistics 3
EC205 Introduction to Applied Statistics 3
EC255 Managerial Statistics 3
EC285 Introductory Statistics 3
EC395 Applied Econometrics 3
EU205 Introduction to Applied Statistics 3
HE201 Research Methods 3
HE300 Epidemiology 3
HS324 Biostatistics 3
KP261 Research Methods I 3
KP262 Research Methods II 3
KP290 Research Methods 3 X
KP390 Inferential Statistics 3
KP434 Epidemiology 3
KP620 Statistical Analysis in Kinesiology 3
MA141 Introduction to Applied Statistical Analysis 3
MA240 Introduction to Probability & Statistics 3
MA241 Statistical Methods for the Life Sciences 3
MA242 Applied Regression Analysis 3
MA340 Introduction to Probability Theory 3
MA341 Introduction to The Theory of Statistics 3
MA343 Introduction to Multivariate Analysis 3
MA344 Introduction to Experimental Design & Analysis 3
MA348 Statistical Methods for Data Analysis 3
PS292 Introduction to Statistics 3
PS296 Introduction to Statistics 3
PS395 Analysis of Variance 3
ST231 Statistical Methods for Life and Health Sciences 3
SY280 Quantitative Methods 3
SY382 Social Statistics 3
SY383 Advanced Social Statistics 6
York University  AP/SC/GEOG 2420 Introductory Statistical Analysis in Geography 3
AP/ADMS 2300 Quantitative Research Methods in Health Studies 3
AP/ECON 2500 Introductory Statistics for Economists I 3
AP/ECON 3480 Introductory Statistics for Economists II 6
AP/ECON 3500 Introductory Mathematical Statistics for Economists 3
AS/SOCI 3030 Statistics for Social Sciences 3
CRIM 2653 Research Methods in Criminology 3 X
GL/ECON 3670 Mathematical Statistics 3
GL/MATH 1610 Introduction to Statistical Methods I 3
GL/MATH 1620 Introduction to Statistical Methods II 3
GL/MODR 1610 Introduction to Statistical Methods I 3
GL/MODR 1620 Introduction to Statistical Methods II 3
GL/POLS 2610 Introduction to Statistical Methods I 3
GL/POLS 2620 Introduction to Statistical Methods II 3
GL/PSYC 2530 Introduction to Statistics 3
GL/SOCI 2610 Introduction to Statistical Methods I 3
GL/SOCI 2620 Introduction to Statistical Methods II 3
HH/HLST 2300 Statistical methods in health studies 3
HH/KINE 2049 Research Methods in Kinesiology 3
HH/KINE 2050 Analysis of Data in Kinesiology I 6
HH/KINE 3150 Analysis of Data in Kinesiology II 3
HH/KINE 3640 Epidemiology of Physical Activity, Fitness, and Health 3
HH/PSYC 2020 Statistical Methods I & II 3
HH/PSYC 2021 Statistical Methods I 6
HH/PSYC 2022 Statistical Methods II 3
HH/PSYC 2030 Introduction to Research Methods 3
HH/PSYC 3030 Intermediate Statistics 3
LE/EECS 1560 Introduction to Computing for Mathematics and Statistics 3
NATS 1500 Statistics and Reasoning in Modern Society 3
SB/MGMT 1050 Statistics for Management Decisions 3
SC/BIOL 2060 Statistics for Biologists 3
SC/BIOL 4085 Quantitative Methods in Biology 3
SC/MATH 1131 Introduction to Statistics I 3
SC/MATH 1532 Statistics for Business and Society 3
SC/MATH 2030 Elementary Probability 3
SC/MATH 2131 Introduction to Statistics II 3
SC/MATH 2560 Elementary Statistics I 3
SC/MATH 2565 Introduction to Applied Statistics 3
SC/MATH 2570 Elementary Statistics II 3
SC/MATH 3131 Mathematical Statistics I 3
SC/MATH 3132 Mathematical Statistics II 3