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Human Anatomy & Human Physiology

The below lists of pre-approved courses is not exhaustive. If you are unsure about a specific course, please use the chatbot and click ->Admissions->Prerequisite Courses and “Yes” to fill out the form.

Human Physiology courses should be foundational, covering the entire human body’s physiology. It should include cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal, endocrine, reproductive, embryonic development, nervous, and musculoskeletal systems.

Human Anatomy courses should be foundational, covering the human body’s anatomy. It should include cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal, endocrine, reproductive, embryonic development, nervous, and musculoskeletal system.

Specialized courses will not be accepted (ie: exercise physiology, neurophysiology, etc). Animal anatomy/physiology courses will not be accepted.

All course weights have been converted to the McMaster unit system. A 3 unit course runs for one term (four months) and a 6 unit course for two terms (eight months).

An ‘x’ beside both anatomy and physiology for a 3 unit course indicates that the course can be used for either the anatomy prerequisite OR the physiology prerequisite, not both.
An ‘x’ beside both anatomy and physiology for a 6 unit course, is acceptable to satisfy both prerequisites.

University Course Code Course Title Units Anatomy Physiology
Acadia University BIOL 2813 Human Physiology & Anatomy 1 3 x x
BIOL 2823 Human Physiology & Anatomy 2 3 x x
BIOL 3173 Vertebrate Physiology 1 3 x
BIOL 3183 Vertebrate Physiology 2 3 x
KINE 1413 Applied Human Anatomy 3 x
KINE 2413 Applied Human Physiology 1 3 x
KINE 2423 Applied Human Physiology 2 3 x
Algoma University BIOL 3126 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3 x x
BIOL 3127 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 3 x x
Ambrose University College ZOO 261 Human Physiology I 3 x
ZOO 263 Human Physiology II 3 x
ZOO 265 Human Anatomy 3 x
Athabasca University BIOL 230 Human Physiology 6 x
BIOL 235 Human Physiology & Anatomy 6 x x
BIOL 320 Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates 3 x
Bishop’s University BIO 216a General Physiology 3 x
BIO 133* Human Anatomy 3 x
BIO 233 Human Anatomy 3 x
Brandon University  15:132 Human Anatomy & Physiology 6 x x
94:132* Human Anatomy & Physiology 6 x x
15:414 Advanced Human Anatomy 6 x
94:414* Advanced Human Anatomy 6 x
Brock University BIOL 2P97 Human Physiology 3 x
CHSC 2F95* Human Anatomy 3 x
CHSC 2P09* Introduction to Human Physiology 3 x
HLSC 2F95 Human Anatomy 3 x
HLSC 2P09 Principles of Human Physiology 3 x
HLSC 2P95 Human Systems Anatomy 3 x
HLSC 2P96 Human Muskuloskeletal Anatomy 3 x
KINE 1P90 Foundations of Human Anatomy & Physiology 3 x x
KINE 1P98 Musculoskeletal Anatomy 3 x
KINE 1P99 Foundations of Human Anatomy & Physiology 3 x x
KINE 2P09 Human Physiology 3 x
KINE 3P98 Functional Anatomy 3 x
PEKN 1P90* Foundations of Human Anatomy & Physiology 3 x x
PEKN 2P04 Musculoskeletal Anatomy 3 x
PEKN 2P09* Human Physiology 3 x
PEKN 3P98* Functional Anatomy 3 x
Cape Breton University BIOL 360* Human Anatomy & Physiology 6 x x
BIOL 2203 Human Anatomy 3 x
BIOL 3200 Human Anatomy & Physiology 6 x x
BIOL 3203 Human Physiology 3 x
BIOL 4203 Advanced Human Physiology 3 x
PUBH 214* Anatomy & Physiology 3 x x
PUBH 2104 Anatomy & Physiology 3 x x
Capilano University HKIN 190 Anatomy and Physiology I 3 x x
HKIN 191 Anatomy and Physiology II 3 x x
Carleton University BIOL 2005 Human Physiology 3 x
BIOL 3305 Human and Comparative Physiology 3 x
BIOL 3306 Human Anatomy and Physiology 3 x x
BIOL 3307 Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology 3 x x
*BIOL 61.335 Human and Comparative Physiology 3 x
Concordia University EXCI 253 Human Anatomy I: Musculo-Skeletal Anatomy 3 x
EXCI 254 Human Anatomy II: Systemic Anatomy 3 x
EXCI 257 Human Physiology I: The Neurological, Bio-energetic & Endocrine Systems 3 x
EXCI 357 Human Physiology II: The Cardiovascular & Respiratory Systems 3 x
EXCI 460 Integrative Human Physiology 3 x
Dalhousie University

ANAT 1010 Basic Human Anatomy 3 x
ANAT 1020 Basic Human Anatomy 3 x
ANAT 1040 Basic Human Anatomy for Pharmacy Students 3 x
ANAT 3010 Introductory Human Anatomy 3 x
HSCE 1020 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 3 x x
HSCE 1030 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 3 x x
KINE 2320 Kinesiological Anatomy 3  x
PHYL 1000X/Y Human Physiology 6 x
PHYL 1001
PHYL 1002
Human Physiology I
Human Physiology II
6 x
PHYL 1010X/Y Human Physiology 6 x
PHYL 1011 Human Physiology I 3 x
PHYL 1400 Human Physiology 6 x
PHYL 2031.03 Human Physiology A 3 x
PHYL 2032.03 Human Physiology B 3 x
PHYL 2041.03 Human Systems Physiology 3 x
PHYL 2044.03 Human Systems Physiology 3 x
Grant MacEwan University PEDS 101 Introduction to Human Physiology 3 x
PEDS 103 Integrative Human Physiology 3 x
Lakehead University BIOL 2011 Human Musculoskeletal Anatomy 3 x
BIOL 2012 Human Internal Anatomy 3 x
BIOL 2020* Human Anatomy 6 x
BIOL 2030 Introductory Human Physiology 3 x
BIOL 2035 Human Physiology Survey 3 x
BIOL 2070 Human Structure 3 x
Laurentian University BIOL 1700EL Structure & Function of the Human Body 6 x x
BIOL 2105EL Human Anatomy & Physiology 6 x x
BIOL 2107EL* Human Anatomy 3 x
BIOL 2701EL Human Physiology 3 x
BIOL 3756EL Vertebrate Physiology 3 x
PHED 1506EL Anatomy and Kinesiology I 3 x
PHED 1507EL Anatomy and Kinesiology II 3 x
PHED 2506EL Physiology I (used to be Physiological Basis of Human Performance I) 3 x
PHED 2507EL Physiology II (used to be Physiological Basis of Human Performance II) 3 x
McGill University ANAT 214 Systemic Human Anatomy 3 x
ANAT 315 Anatomy/Limbs and Back 3 x
ANAT 316 Human Visceral Anatomy 3 x
ANSC 323 Mammalian Physiology 3 x
EDKP 205* Structural Anatomy 3 x
EDKP 293 Anatomy & Physiology 3 x x
HLSC 120 Human Anatomy 3 x
HLSC 126 Human Physiology I 3 x
HLSC 128 Human Physiology II 3 x
PHGY 201* Human Physiology: Control Systems 3 x
PHGY 202* Human Physiology: Body Functions 3 x
PHGY 209 Mammalian Physiology 1 3 x
PHGY 210 Mammalian Physiology 2 3 x
McMaster University BIOLOGY 2A03 Integrative Physiology of Animals 3 x
ENG PHYS 3X03* Human Physiology 3 x
HTHSCI 1D06 Anatomy & Physiology 6 x x
HTHSCI 1H06 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 6 x x
HTHSCI 2F03 Human Physiology & Anatomy I 3 x x
HTHSCI 2FF3 Human Physiology & Anatomy II 3 x x
HTHSCI 2L03 Anatomy & Physiology I: Communication 3 x x
HTHSCI 2LL3 Anatomy & Physiology I: Homeostasis 3 x x
KINESIOL 1A03 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 3 x x
KINESIOL 1A06 Human Anatomy/Physiology 6 x x
KINESIOL 1AA3 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 3 x x
KINESIOL 1X06* Human Anatomy & Physiology 6 x x
KINESIOL 1Y03 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 3 x x
KINESIOL 1YY3 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 3 x x
KINESIOL 2Y03 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 3 x x
KINESIOL 2YY3 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 3 x x
KINESIOL 4J03 Functional Anatomy 3 x
Memorial University of Nfld BIOCHEM 311A/B* Human Physiology 6 x
HKR 2310 Human Anatomy 3 x
HKR 2320 Primary Human Physiology 3 x
MED 310A/B Human Physiology 6 x
NURS 1002 Anatomy & Physiology I 3 x x
NURS 1012 Anatomy & Physiology II 3 x x
NURS 2740 Current Concepts in Human Physiology 3 x
PHAR 2002 Anatomy & Physiology I 3 x x
PHAR 2003 Anatomy & Physiology II 3 x x
Mount Allison University BIOL 3211 Human Physiology 3 x
BIOL 3221 Human Anatomy 3 x
Mount Royal University

BIOL 1216 Human Physiology 3 x
BIOL 2233 Human Anatomy 3 x
BIOL 3104 Human Physiology I 3 x
PHYL 1512 Human Anatomy 3 x
Mount Saint Vincent University BIOL 2205 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 3 x x
BIOL 2206 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 3 x x
Nipissing University  BIOL 2706 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 3 x x
BIOL 2707 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 3 x x
PHED 1206 Systemic Approaches to Functional Human 3 x
PHED 1207 Systemic Approaches to Functional Human 3 x
PHED 2216 Systemic Approach to Integrated Human Anatomy 3 x
PHED 2217 Systemic Approach to Integrated Human Physiology 3 x
Ontario Tech University BIOL 2010U Human Physiology 3 x
BIOL 2050U Human Anatomy 3 x
BIOL 3040U Physiology of Regulatory Systems 3 x
HLSC 1200U Anatomy and Physiology I 3 x x
HLSC 1201U Anatomy and Physiology II 3 x x
HLSC 2202U Comprehensive Anatomy and Physiology 3 x x
HLSC 3470U Kinesiology I: Anatomy of Human Movement 3 x
HLSC 4473U Practical Human Anatomy I: Back and Lower Limbs 3 x
HLSC 4474U Practical Human Anatomy II: Head, Neck and Upper Limbs 3 x
KINE 1010U Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3 x x
KINE 1100U Human Anatomy and Physiology II 3 x x
Queen’s University  ANAT 100 Anatomy of the Human Body 3 x
ANAT 101 Introductory Human Anatomy 3 x
ANAT 215 Principles of Human Morphology I 3 x
ANAT 216 Principles of Human Morphology II 3 x
ANAT 270 Human Anatomy and Morphology 3 x
ANAT 315 The Human Musculoskeletal System 3 x
ANAT 316 The Human Visceral Systems 3 x
ANAT 380 Clinically Relevant Human Anatomy 3 x
IDIS 150 Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology 6 x x
KNPE 125 Introduction to the Physiology of Human Movement 3 x
KNPE 225 Integrative Physiology of Human Movement 3 x
*KINE 225 Integrative Physiology of Human Movement 3 x
PHGY 210 Physiology for Health Sciences 6 x
PHGY 212 Physiology for the Life Sciences 6 x
PHGY 214* Mammalian Physiology 6 x
PHYG 215 Principles of Mammalian Physiology I 3 x
PHYG 216 Principles of Mammalian Physiology II 3 x
Toronto Metropolitan Uni (Ryerson University)

BLG 10A/B Anatomy & Physiology 6 x x
BLG 600 Physiology 3 x
BLG 601 Physiology 3 x
BLG 700 Anatomy 3 x
BLG 701 Anatomy 3 x
CBLG 101 Anatomy & Physiology I 3 x x
CBLG 10A/B Anatomy & Physiology 6 x x
CBLG 111 Anatomy & Physiology II 3 x x
CBLG 600 Physiology 3 x
PLN 103 Physiology I 3 x
PLN 203 Physiology II 3 x
Redeemer University KPE-118-A Foundations of Human Anatomy I 3 x
KPE-218-A Human Physiology 3 x
Saint Mary’s University  BIOL 2322 General Physiology I 3 x
BIOL 2323 General Physiology II 3 x
BIOL 2005* Human Organ Systems 3 x
BIOL 3004 Principles of Physiology 3 x
BIOL 3005 Human Organ Systems 3 x
BIOL 3021 Integrative Vertebrate Physiology 3 x
St. Francis Xavier University BIOL 251 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 3 x x
BIOL 252 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 3 x x
Simon Fraser University BPK 105 Fundamentals of Human Structure & Function 3 x
BPK 205 Introduction to Human Physiology 3 x
BPK 208 Introduction to Physiological Systems 3 x
BPK 305 Human Physiology I 3 x
BPK 306 Human Physiology II (Principles of Physiological Regulation) 3 x
BPK 324 Principles of Human Anatomy 3 x
BPK 325 Basic Human Anatomy 3 x
BPK 326 Functional Anatomy 3 x
BPK 407 Human Physiology Laboratory 3 x
KIN 105-3* Fundamentals of Human Structure & Function 3 x
KIN 205-3* Introduction to Human Physiology 3 x
KIN 208-3* Introduction to Physiological Systems 3 x
KIN 305-3* Human Physiology I 3 x
KIN 306-3* Human Physiology II (Principles of Physiological Regulation) 3 x
KIN 324-3* Principles of Human Anatomy 3 x
KIN 325-3* Basic Human Anatomy 3 x
KIN 326-4* Functional Anatomy 3 x
KIN 407-3* Human Physiology Laboratory 3 x
Thompson Rivers University BIOL 159* Human Biology: Anatomy & Physiology 1 3 x x
BIOL 169* Human Biology: Anatomy & Physiology 2 3 x x
BIOL 1590 Human Biology: Anatomy & Physiology 1 3 x x
BIOL 1593 Anatomy & Physiology 1 3 x x
BIOL 1690 Human Biology: Anatomy & Physiology 2 3 x x
BIOL 1693 Anatomy and Physiology II 3 x x
BIOL 3540 Human Physiology 1 3 x
BIOL 3550 Human Physiology 2 3 x
BIOL 3701 Human Anatomy for Health Care Professionals 3 x
HLSC 159* Anatomy & Physiology 1 3 x x
HLSC 169* Anatomy & Physiology 2 3 x x
HLTH 1121 Foundational Human Anatomy-Physiology 3 x x
Trent University ANAT 100* Anatomy of the Human Body 3 x
BIOL 105* Human Anatomy and Physiology 6 x x
BIOL 1050H Human Anatomy 3 x
BIOL 1051H Human Physiology 3 x
Trinity Western University BIO 241 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3 x x
BIO 242 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 3 x x
HKIN 446 Advanced Human Anatomy 3 x
University of Alberta ANAT 200 Human Morphology 3 x
AUPED 112 Structural Human Anatomy 3  x
AUPED 215 Introduction to Human Physiology I 3 x
AUPED 216 Introduction to Human Physiology II 3 x
BME 320 Human Anatomy and Physiology: Cells and Tissue 3 x x
BME 321 Human Anatomy and Physiology: Systems 3 x x
KIN 100 Human Anatomy 3 x
KIN 101 Human Physiology 3 x
KIN 103 Integrative Human Physiology 3 x
KIN 400 Human Gross Anatomy 3 x
NURS 140 Anatomy 3  x
NURS 150 Human Physiology 3 x
NURS 151 Human Physiology II 3 x
PEDS 100 Human Anatomy 3 x
PEDS 101 Introduction to Human Physiology 3  x
PEDS 103 Integrative Human Physiology 3  x
PEDS 400 Human Gross Anatomy 3 x
PHYSE 152 Physiologie 6  x
PHSYE 210 Human Physiology / Physiologie humaine 6  x
PHYSL 212 Human Physiology I 3 x
PHYSL 214 Human Physiology II 3 x
PTHER 350 Structural Human Anatomy 3 x
Univ of British Columbia – Okanagan BIOL 131 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 3 x x
BIOL 133 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 3 x x
HES 101 Human Physiology I 3 x
HES 111 Human Physiology II 3 x
HMKN 190 Functional Anatomy and Applied Physiology I 3 x x
HMKN 191 Functional Anatomy and Applied Physiology II 3 x x
HMKN 391 Advanced Functional Anatomy 3 x
Univ of British Columbia – Vancouver ANAT 391* Introduction to Gross Human Anatomy 3 x
BIOL 153 Human Biology 6 x x
BIOL 155 Human Biology 6 x x
CAPS 301 Human Physiology 6 x
CAPS 302 Human Physiology Laboratory 3 x
CAPS 303 Laboratory in Human Physiology (Honours) 3 x
CAPS 391 Introduction to Gross Human Anatomy 3 x
HKIN 190* Anatomy & Physiology I 3 x x
HKIN 191* Anatomy & Physiology II 3 x x
KIN 110 Human Anatomy 3 x
KIN 131 Systems Physiology I 3 x
KIN 132 Systems Physiology II 3 x
KIN 190 Anatomy & Physiology I 3 x x
KIN 191 Anatomy & Physiology II 3 x x
PHYL 301* Human Physiology 6 x
PHYL 302* Human Physiology Laboratory 3 x
PHYL 303* Laboratory in Human Physiology (Honours) 3 x
PRIN 401 Principles of Human Biology 6 x x
University of Calgary  BIOL 305 The Human Organism 3 x x
KNES 259 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 3 x x
KNES 260 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 3 x x
KNES 261* Human Anatomy 3  x
KNES 323 Integrative Human Physiology 3 x
MDSC 404 Integrative Human Physiology 6 x
MDSC 521 Human Anatomy 3 x
NURS 213 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3 x x
NURS 221 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 3 x x
ZOOL 269 Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology 3 x x
ZOOL 361* Introduction to Human Physiology I 3 x
ZOOL 363* Introduction to Human Physiology II 3 x
Univ of the Fraser Valley  BIO 383 Human Physiology 3 x
KIN 270 Human Physiology I 3 x
KIN 272 Human Physiology II 3 x
KPE 170 Basic Human Anatomy 3 x
KPE 270 Human Physiology I 3 x
University of Guelph BIOM 2000 Concepts in Human Physiology 3 x
BIOM 3200 Biomedical Physiology 6 x
HK 2810 Human Physiology I: Concepts and Principles 3 x
HK 3401/2 Human Anatomy: Dissection 6 x
HK 3501/2 Human Anatomy: Prosection 6 x
HK 3810 Human Physiology II: Integrated Systems 3 x
HK 3940* Human Physiology 6 x
HK 4441/2 Advanced Study in Human Anatomy 6 x
University of Guelph – Humber KIN 1030 Human Anatomy I 3 x
KIN 1040 Human Anatomy II 3 x
KIN 1060 Human Physiology I 3 x
KIN 2060 Human Physiology II 3 x
KIN 4040 Functional Anatomy 3 x
SCMA 2020 Basic Concepts of Anatomy and Physiology 3 x x
University Laval ANM 1004 Anatomie fonctionnelle 1 (must also have ANM 1006) 1.5 x
ANM 1005 Aspects pratiques en anatomie fonctionnelle 1 3 x
ANM 1006 Anatomie fonctionnelle 2  (must also have ANM 1004) 1.5 x
ANM 1007 Aspects pratiques en anatomie fonctionnelle 2 (must also have ANM 1008) 1.5 x
ANM 1008 Aspects pratiques en anatomie fonctionnelle 1 (must also have ANM 1007) 1.5 x
ANM 2100 Études pratiques d’anatomie humaine 3 x
BIO 0110  Introduction à la physiologie humaine 3 x
BIO 2909 Éléments de physiologie humaine 3 x
KIN 1011 Anatomie des grands systèmes x
PHS 1000 Physiologie humaine x
PHS 1501 Anatomo-physiologie du système nerveux x
University of Lethbridge KINE 2600 Functional Human Anatomy 3 x
KINE 2610 Human Physiology 3 x
University of Manitoba ANAT 1030 Human Anatomy 3 x
BIOL 1410 Anatomy of the Human Body 3 x
BIOL 1412 Physiology of the Human Body 3 x
BIOL 2410 Human Physiology 1 3 x
BIOL 2420 Human Physiology 2 3 x
BIOL 2411 Physiologie du corps humain 1 3 x
BIOL 2421 Physiologie du corps humain II 3 x
KIN 2320 Human Anatomy 3 x
KIN 3320 Advanced Human Anatomy 3 x
PHED 2320* Human Anatomy 3 x
REHB 1480* Human Anatomy – Systems 3 x
REHB 1490* Musculoskeletal Anatomy 1 3 x
REHB 1500* Musculoskeletal Anatomy 2 3 x
ZOOL 1320* Anatomy of the Human Body 3 x
ZOOL 1330* Physiology of the Human Body 3 x
ZOOL 2530* Human Physiology 1 3 x
ZOOL 2540* Human Physiology 2 3 x
ZOOL 2531* Physiologie du corps humain 1 3 x
ZOOL 2541* Physiologie du corps humain II 3 x
Univ Moncton BIOL 1133 Anat. physiol. humaine I 3 x x
BIOL 1143 Anat. physiol. humaines I 3 x x
BIOL 1233 Anat. physiol. humaine II 3 x x
BIOL 1243 Anat. physiol. humaines II 3 x x
BIOL 2133 Physiologie humaine I 3 x
BIOL 2233 Physiologie humaine II 3 x
KNEP 2063 Anatomie fonctionnelle 3 x
KNEP 2101 Anatomie fonctionnelle 3 x
Univ Montreal BIO 1634 Principes de physiologie animale 3 x
BIO 3659 Les fonctions du système nerveux 3 x
KIN 1021 Anatomie fonctionnelle 3 x
PSL 1984 Fonctions du système nerveux 3 x
PSL 1993 Psysiologie générale 3 x
PSL 1996 Anatomie et physiologie générales 1 3 x x
PSL 1997 Anatomie et physiologie générales 2 3 x x
SBM 1001 Morphologie fonctionnelle 3 x
Univ of New Brunswick – Fredericton BIOL 1711 Human Anatomy I – Online 3 x
BIOL 1719 Human Anatomy I – Online 3 x
BIOL 1782 Human Physiology I 3 x
BIOL1789 Human Physiology I 3 x
BIOL 2721 Human Physiology II 3 x
BIOL 2753 Introduction to Human Anatomy 3 x
BIOL 2761 Human Physiology – Metabolism 3 x
BIOL 2782* Human Physiology I 3 x
BIOL2792 Human Physiology – Systems 3 x
BIOL 2812 Human Anatomy II 3 x
Univ of New Brunswick – Saint John BIOL 1411 Anatomy & Physiology I 3 x x
BIOL 1412 Anatomy & Physiology II 3 x x
BIOL 1441 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3 x x
BIOL 1442 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 3 x x
Univ of Northern B.C HHSC 105 Functional Anatomy 3 x
HHSC 111 Anatomy and Physiology I 3 x x
HHSC 112 Anatomy and Physiology II 3 x x
University of Ottawa ANP 1105 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 3 x x
ANP 1106 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 3 x x
ANP 1107 Human Anatomy & Physiology III 3 x x
ANP 1505 Anatomie humaine et physiology I 3 x x
ANP 1506 Anatomie humaine et physiology II 3 x x
ANP 1507 Anatomie humaine et physiology III 3 x x
APA 1313 Musculoskeletal Anatomy 3 x
APA 1713 Anatomie du système locomoteur 3 x
PHS 3240* Mammalian Physiology 6 x
PHS 3341 Physiology of Sensation, Regulation, Movement and Reproduction 3 x
PHS 3342 Physiological Regulation of Intake, Distribution, Protection and Elimination 3 x
Univ of Prince Edward Island BIO 121 Human Anatomy 0.5 x
BIO 122 Human Physiology 0.5 x
BIO 123 Essentials of Human Physiology 0.5 x
BIO 353 Human Anatomy & Histology 0.5 x
BIO 401 Human Physiology & Pathophysiology 0.5 x
Universite du Quebec en Outaouais SSA 1163 Structure et fonction biologique humaine I 3 x
SSA 1173 Structure et fonction biologique humaine II 3 x
BIO 1007 Le corps humain I: de l’organisation à la régulation 3 x
BIO 1008 Le corps humain II: de la régulation à la perpétuation 3 x
BIO 1900 L’organisme humain 3 x x
University of Regina BIOL 101 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3 x x
BIOL 110 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 3 x x
KHS 168* Human Anatomy 3 x
KHS 267* Human Physiology I 3 x
KHS 268* Human Physiology II 3 x
KIN 260 Human Anatomy 3 x
KIN 261 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3 x x
KIN 262 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3 x x
KIN 267 Human Physiology I 3 x
KIN 268 Human Physiology II 3 x
University of Saskatchewan ACB 210 Basic Human Anatomy 3  x
ACB 215 Basic & Applied Human Anatomy 6 x
ACB 221 Gross Anatomy 3 x
ACB 310 Basic Human Anatomy 3  x
BMSC 207.3 Human Body Systems I 3 x x
BMSC 208.3 Human Body Systems II 3 x x
HSC 208 Human Body Systems 6 x
PHSI 208 Human Body Systems 6 x
PHYP 302 Human Physiology Transport Systems 3 x
Universite de Sherbrooke KIN 320 Anatomie fonctionnelle 3 x
PSL 104 Physiologie animale 3 x
University of Toronto – Mississauga BIO204H5 Introduction to Physiology 3 x
BIO208H5 Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3 x x
BIO209H5 Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology II 3 x x
BIO210Y5 Fundamentals of Human Anatomy & Physiology 6 x x
BIO310H5 Physiology of Regulatory Systems 3 x
University of Toronto – Scarborough BIOB33H3 Human Development & Anatomy 3 x
BIOB35H3 Essentials of Human Physiology 3 x
BIOC32H3 Human Physiology I 3 x
BIOC33H3 Human Physiology II: Lecture and Laboratory 3 x
University of Toronto – St. George ANA126Y1 Elementary Human Gross Anatomy 6  x
ANA300Y1 Human Anatomy & Histology 6  x
JBO302Y1* Human Physiology & Biophysics 6 x
KPE260H1 Introduction to Human Physiology 3 x
KPE369H1 Human Physiology II 3 x
PHE205H1* Introduction to Human Physiology 3 x
MIE331H1 Physiological Control Systems 3 x
MRS159H1 Anatomy for Medical Radiation Sciences 3 x
MRS161H1 Anatomy 3 x
MRS162H1 Physiology 3 x
PSL200Y1* Basic Human Physiology 6 x
PSL201Y1 Basic Human Physiology 6 x
PSL300H1 Human Physiology I 3 x
PSL301H1 Human Physiology II 3 x
PSL302Y1* Human Physiology 6 x
PSL372H1 Mammalian Physiology Laboratory 3 x
PSL374H1 Advanced Physiology Laboratory 3 x
SCS2159 Basic Human Physiology 3 x
SCS 3655 Human Gross Anatomy 3 x
University of Victoria BIOL 441 Advanced Vertebrate Physiology 3 x
BME 201 Quantitative Human Physiology 3 x
EPHE 141 Introductory Human Anatomy 3 x
EPHE 241 Introduction to Human Systemic Physiology 3 x
EPHE 241B* Introduction to Human Systemic Physiology 3 x
EPHE 355 Functional Anatomy 3 x
University of Waterloo AHS 150 Foundations of Human Anatomy and Physiology 3 x x
BIOL 201 Human Anatomy 3 x
BIOL 273 Principles of Human Physiology 1 3 x
BIOL 273L Human Physiology 1 Laboratory x
BIOL 301 Human Anatomy 3 x
BIOL 373 Principles of Human Physiology 2 3 x
BIOL 373L Human Physiology 2 Laboratory x
KIN 100 Human Anatomy: Limbs & Trunk 3 x
KIN 100L Human Anatomy Lab x
KIN 301 Human Anatomy of the Central Nervous System 3 x
University of Western Ontario

Anatomy and Cell Biology 2221 Functional Human Anatomy 6 x
Anatomy and Cell Biology 2200A/B AND Cell Biology 3200 A/B Systemic Anatomy of the Human Body AND Functional Human Neuroanatomy 6 x
Anatomy and Cell Biology 3309 Mammalian Histology 6 x
Anatomy and Cell Biology 3319* Systemic Human Anatomy 6 x
Health Sciences 2300A/B Systemic Approach to Functional Anatomy 3 x
Health Sciences 2330A/B Systemic and Functional Anatomy 3 x
Health Sciences 3300A/B Anatomy of the Human Body: A Description of Systemic Structure and Function – Part II 3 x
Kinesiology 2222A/B Systemic Approach to Functional Anatomy 3 x
Kinesiology 3222A/B Anatomy of the Human Body: A Description of Systemic Structure and Function 3 x
Physiology 1020 Human Physiology 6 x
Physiology 1021 Introduction to Human Physiology 6 x
Physiology 2130 Human Physiology 6 x
Physiology 3120 Human Physiology 6 x
Physiology 3130Z Physiology Laboratory 3 x
University of Windsor 55-175 Anatomy and Physiology I 3 x x
55-177 Anatomy and Physiology II 3 x x
55-202 Human Anatomy 3 x
55-204 Human Physiology I 3 x
55-205 Human Physiology II 3 x
63-175 Anatomy and Physiology I 3 x x
63-177 Anatomy and Physiology II 3 x x
95-265 Functional Anatomy 3 x
University of Winnipeg BIOL-1112 Human Anatomy & Physiology 6 x x
KIN-2204 Introduction to Human Physiology 3 x
KIN-2301 Human Anatomy 3 x
KIN-4301 Applied Human Anatomy 3 x
Vancouver Island University BIOL 151 Principles of Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professionals I 3 x x
BIOL 153 Principles of Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professionals II 3 x x
BIOL 156 Nursing: Anatomy and Physiology I 3 x x
BIOL 157 Nursing: Anatomy and Physiology II 3 x x
PHED 201  Human Anatomy 3 x
PHED 220 Intro to Human Physiology II 3 x
Wilfrid Laurier University BI210 Human Anatomy 3 x
BI216* Human Physiology 3 x
BI217 Human Physiology II – Structure, Function, & Integration 3 x
HE210* Human Anatomy 3 x
HE211* Human Physiology 3 x
HE340A Human Anatomy II 3 x
HN210 Human Anatomy 3 x
HN220 Human Physiology I 3 x
HN320 Human Physiology II: Control and Integration 3 x
HS202 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3 x x
HS204 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 3 x x
KP220 Human Biology – Physiology 3 x
KP221 Human Anatomy 3 x
KP222 Human Physiology I 3 x
York University  GL/NATS 2315 Human Physiology in Health and Disease 6 x
HH/IHST 1001 Anatomy & Physiology for Human Health I 3 x x
HH/IHST 1002 Anatomy & Physiology for Human Health II 3 x x
HH/KINE 2011 Human Physiology I 3 x
HH/KINE 2031 Human Anatomy 3 x
HH/KINE 3012 Human Physiology II 3 x
HH/KINE 3460 Regional Human Anatomy I 3 x
HH/KINE 3465 Regional Human Anatomy II 3 x
SC/NATS 1650 Human Anatomy for the Fine Arts 6 x